It’s your ticket out of the spiral of misinformation available online and towards learning to parent your baby in a way that feels good for both of you.
This gentle guide takes you month by month through the realms of biologically normal infant sleep, give you tips and strategies to optimise your breastfeeding relationship, and shows you how to get both you and your baby on the way to more restful sleep no matter what stage you’re currently at.
The Baby Sleep and Breastfeeding Blueprint will help you understand your unique child, and where they are at developmentally and support you with feeding and sleep without an ounce of “cry it out” or sleep training in sight.
What if you could turn your back on the mainstream narrative that tells you to get more quality sleep you must forfeit either the connection you’ve worked so hard to build with your child, your breastfeeding journey, or both?
What if you could find your way toward feeling more rested without resorting to sleep training or separation-based techniques?
What if you could finally stop the late-night internet scrolls and have an evidence-based resource filled with ALL the information you need on infant sleep and breastfeeding, from those sweet early days right through to toddlerhood?
Sounds good doesn't it?
- Ashley Juttner
Desperately tired and want just a little more sleep or a moment to yourself.
Want to keep on responding through the night, nurture your breastfeeding relationship until you are both ready to let this go AND feel more rested?
Want to feel confident enough to shake off the unsolicited advice from everyone around you, safe in the knowledge that what you’re doing is right for both you and your child?
Ready to parent the child in front of you - rather than trying to fit them into a one-size-fits-all schedule or parenting strategy.
This guide has been created based on my years of experience as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Holistic Baby Sleep Coach, mum to 3 little people as well as a qualified Paediatric Nurse and Midwife to show you how to tap into what nature has perfected already.
When you come to understand how our babies are meant to sleep and feed, once you eliminate any
feeding or underlying health issues you can simply let nature take the reigns and
move you both towards the sleep you long for.
- Brigitte Ragh
100 + pages of age-specific breastfeeding and sleep advice that covers everything from:
Parenthood is no walk in the park. I’ve seen it time and time again as a Paediatric Nurse and Midwife, families getting kicked out the door with little to no village in sight and an absurd amount of confusing information floating around.
Becoming a mother myself to three small and incredible children, I realised firsthand how much support and guidance we actually need as parents. It was this that spurred me on to create Cocoon and Cradle to make sure others had access to the right information and support from day one.
I have poured my years of knowledge and experience not only as a Paediatric Nurse and Midwife but also as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Holistic Baby Sleep Coach into this guide so you are informed and prepared for the incredible but sometimes challenging early months of your child's life.
I’m here to support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddlerhood with holistic, evidence-based breastfeeding, sleep, and early parenthood support.
You’ve got this, and I’ve got you.
No matter what stage you’re at or coming up to you’ll find everything you need to know inside the Blueprint.
You’ll be supported to find more sleep gently, breastfeed for as long as feels right for you, and nurture the sacred bond between the both of you without resorting to separation-based techniques to get there.
- Maireadh McCarron