NEW EBOOK Reveals: 'How To Get More Sleep Without Sleep Training'

Baby & Toddler Sleep FAQs 

All of your newborn, baby, and toddler sleep questions answered!

The world of sleep can be confusing and overwhelming. That is why I have answered all of your burning newborn, baby and toddler sleep questions, so that you have the right information at your fingertips every step of the way

What You'll Learn

Here's a Sneak Peak of What You'll Be Getting Inside This 80+ Page Ebook!

Section 1:

Newborn Sleep FAQs

  • Why does my one month old only sleep on the boob and won’t stay in the cot for more than 20 minutes?
  • ​ How to know when newborn is transitioning sleep cycles vs. awake? Sometimes they are so loud and wide eyed.
  • My babe falls asleep but then wakes up with gas. How do I help him?
  • Sleep is so inconsistent for us. Is this normal?

    PLUS many more questions answered...
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Section 2:

Baby Sleep FAQs

  • Why is my baby only having short naps / catnaps?
  • ​How do I stop the hourly wakes? I’m exhausted!
  • ​​When does my babe need to drop naps? At what age?

  • I’m struggling with split nights, my babe is wide awake for hours. What do I do?

    PLUS many more questions answered...
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Section 3:

Toddler Sleep FAQs

  • I’m worried about naps when I return to work. How do I prepare for this?
  • How to transition from feeding to sleep with 1 year old?
  • Why is my toddler having separation anxiety all of a sudden at bedtime?

  • Will night weaning stop night wakes?

    PLUS many more questions answered...
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Get Your Copy Now For FREE

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About Your Guide

I’m Melissa,
​And you are why I do this work.​

Becoming a mother myself, I was overcome by the amount of confusing, conflicting and downright BS* information surrounding feeding and sleep.  

There was little to no support for mums who had no interest in cry-it-out, but couldn't wait-it-out either. Mums who chose connection over separation. Mums like me.

It was this that spurred me on to create Cocoon and Cradle, to make sure mums had access to the information *they actually needed* from day one.

I have poured my years of knowledge and experience as a Holistic Sleep Coach and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (plus Paediatric Nurse, Midwife and now mum of 3) into this ebook, so that you can stop the 2am googling and finally get your burning sleep questions answered.  

​You’ve got this, and I’ve got you

Pregnant, baby & toddler mamas, this is for you!